Saturday, December 23, 2006

Follow-up (with Link)

posted by Michèle Sharik
In a previous post, I promised to tell you the URL at which the pianist from "Oh! Jazz" would post pictures of our quartet from our appearance as "Guest Artists" at their concert.

The pianist is Kudo Takashi (in Japanese, the family name comes first, then the given name, so his "first name" is Takashi). He has a blog and posted all about the concert - complete with pictures!

Of course, I can't read what he said (I can read hiragana and katakana but not kanji!) - so I will have follow up again after I get a translation!

Anyway, here's the link to his blog about us! Scroll down for our picture! That's me in front!

btw, the sax player's name is "Ken G" - no really!


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