Sunday, December 17, 2006

Our Number One Fan

posted by Michèle Sharik
Last night at karaoke, Lexi (Kathie's daughter who is traveling with us as a tourist this trip) stepped out for a few minutes. When she came back, she had a man with her.

Apparently, he had followed us (Sonos) to the hotel and waited in the lobby. When he saw some members of the group, he stopped them and asked them to autograph a big book he had - not some little autograph book like you can sometimes find in the States, but a full-sized book!

When he saw Lexi in the lobby of the hotel (the karaoke place is right next door to the hotel - pretty convenient, eh?), he stopped her and asked if she was a Sonosian. She said no, but knew where we were, and so brought him over to the karaoke place.

There, he got autographs from me, Patti, Ruben & Ben.

We couldn't help but think that he wasn't exactly seeing us at our finest - in that tiny room with mugs of "beer" and singing our lungs out (badly, I might add)!

Lexi also told us that this man had been waiting in the hotel lobby for THREE HOURS to get our autographs!

He must be our Number One Fan!


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